Passage Server Demo - Hello World!

Development   Demo   Java API   How To

Demo #1

Hello World! shows how to

- run Passage Server Java request as HTML link [GET] and HTML form [POST]
- write Java request code and SQL statement
- get data from different sources [Java code, database, text file]
- populate data on dynamic HTML page

Demo #2

Product Management shows how

- existing corporate data can be brought on the web
- product inventory, clients and orders can be integrated in one system

Demo #3

Banking Payment Management provides

- payment analysis
- detailed report on any combination of available data
- data search

Demo #4

Auto Dealer [Website]
Auto Dealer [Content Manager]

Real Estate [Website]
Real Estate [Content Manager]

With the Content Manager you update text and images on your website
- without programming
- at anytime
- from anywhere you have web access
- you do not deal with web developer

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